Supes hear about Covid from PH director Wolf

~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline

The Greene County board of supervisors heard from public health director Becky Wolf at the regular board meeting on Aug. 10. Wolf updated the board on COVID-19 statistics for the county and discussed a resolution for the use of face masks that will be presented to the board at the next meeting.

Wolf said the resolution will encourage, rather than mandate, face masks. Social distancing and staying home when sick are other strategies recommended by Wolf to help slow the spread of the virus.

Wolf said the county is at 42 cases of Covid-19. GCNO’s review of latest statistics from the national CDC (Centers for Disease Control) shows 36 of the 42 total cases have recovered. There have been no deaths in Greene County from COVID-19.

Board chair John Muir asked whether the hospital can handle a possible increase of cases in the fall and has the protective supplies and ventilators needed.

Wolf answered, “We’re in a better position now, but we can’t get complacent. Patients who might need a ventilator will be sent to Des Moines for a higher level of specialty care.”

Wolf said patients can be stabilized on a ventilator here but will be moved to Des Moines if needed.

“This is not the year to skip a flu shot,” said Wolf. “Telling the difference between COVID-19, influenza, and allergies will be important for correct treatment. Having had a flu shot makes it easier to rule out flu.”

Wolf said there could be a possibility of drive-through flu vaccinations.

“Since March, there has been a decrease in regular childhood vaccinations,” said Wolf. She encouraged the use of back to school clinics on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to keep children up to date on measles, mumps, and other regular vaccinations.

“We could see a resurgence in these illnesses (if children fall behind on vaccinations,)” Wolf said.

Persons who want more information can call Greene County public health.

City of Jefferson administrator Mike Palmer gave updates on local projects. He said the proposed animal shelter is proceeding as a downsized version. Progress continues on Arch Alley and the former Pizza Ranch.

“All the projects look like they’ve really made improvements in those buildings,” Muir said.

In other business, the board unanimously approved the hiring of Jefferson police captain Heath Enns as fulltime deputy sheriff, effective Aug. 25, at $51,229 per year.

Engineer Wade Weiss reported the Verdin Company will add foot pegs on the upper structure of the bell tower in order to more easily and safely service the bells. Weiss said window cleaning of the tower will be done later in August by Crystal Clean.

Supervisor Pete Bardole described Hot August Night to be held Thursday from 4:30 to 7 pm. Bardole said there will be no prior registration and no prizes this year. Registration will be done “on the spot.”

“Cars will be parked further apart than usual,” said Bardole. “We encourage masks and there will be food.”

The board reviewed extensions and expirations to the county’s self-funded health plan through Wellmark. The information was unanimously confirmed by the board.

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